Republic of the Philippines
Oplan Cupido: Celebrating Love Through Learning
Posted on 6 March, 2023

TAYUG, PANGASINAN – The PRC Regional Office I spearheads the celebration of Heart Month this February 14, 2023, by conducting CPD Updates for Professionals Information Dissemination Orientation-Tutorial (CUPIDO) for various government agencies, including the Eastern Pangasinan District Hospital (EPDH) in Tayug, Pangasinan.

CUPIDO is a hands-on program designed to guide professionals in the use of the Continuing Professional Development Accreditation System (CPDAS) and to discuss issues, concerns, updates, and pertinent issuances pertinent to the effective development and implementation of the Professional Regulation Commission's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs and projects. Specifically, this project seeks to ensure that all frontliners of various government agencies who offer essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic are informed of CPD updates and the use of CPDAS, and create their CPDAS accounts, as well as upload their SDL applications based on the existing issuances of the Commission through the conduct of face-to-face CPDAS Orientation among COVID 19 frontliners via hands-on/ practical learning.

Fifty-seven (57) frontliners took part in CUPIDO. The activity was facilitated by Mr. John Adrian Malagotnot, Regulation Division Supervisor and Ms. Dominga D. Olivar, Regulation Division Support Staff of PRC Region I.

