Submission of Original SPA or Original Authorization Letter by Authorized Representative and Maximum Number of Transactions that can be Accommodated by the PRC-ROs
To ascertain the authenticity and validity of the Special Power of Attorney (SPA) and Authorization Letter, and not to expose the professionals' data or personal information to a person or individual whose authority to represent them is not duly determined, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) informs the public that the additional requirement of a SPA or Authorization Letter to be submitted by the representative of concerned professionals shall be accepted only in its ORIGINAL FORM. Mere electronic copy or photocopies of said SPA or authorization letter shall not be considered proof of authority.
Also, considering the available resources and capacity of the PRC service centers, and pursuant to PRC Memorandum Order No. 93 (s. 2022), the maximum number of transactions per liaison officer or authorized representative per PRC Regional Office shall be determined/set by the concerned Regional Director.
For information on the maximum of transactions allowed for liaison officers or authorized representatives, transacting clients are advised to coordinate with the concerned Regional Office having jurisdiction over their appointment place
For queries and concerns, please contact the concerned PRC Regional Offices through their email addresses which can be found at this link: or through the Client Relationship Management System: